Shah Rukh Khan has been heaping praise on Akshaye Khanna for his acting chops, especially in the context of his role in the forthcoming Ittefaq. At a promotional event for the film, Khan said he was keen to play the character that Khanna now plays.
“When I read the script, to be honest, I wanted to be part of it as an actor," he said. "It was so exciting. And I think a better actor has essayed that role now, which is Akshaye. More befitting for the film.”
Khan explained why he could not take up the film though he so wanted to. “Unfortunately, at that time I had decided to do three films, so I could not become a part of it. I was doing Raees (2017) and Fan (2016), which were both physically very hectic.”
Ittefaq is the official remake of the BR Films classic of the same name that was directed by Yash Chopra and released in 1969 with Rajesh Khanna and Nanda in the leads.
Khan also shared an interesting story relating to the making of the original. “Yashji, a few days before he passed away [in 2012], told me how he made Ittefaq," he said. "That is an amazing story. He was making some film. There was a break in the film. They went to see this play and overnight they all decided to make this film [Ittefaq] for BR Chopra’s production.”
Shah Rukh Khan also disclosed that quite a few changes have been made to the film's screenplay. “I just loved the way the film has been adapted, turned around, changed a bit," he said. "The product, inshallah, when it comes out, everybody will enjoy.”
Directed by first-time filmmaker Abhay Chopra, grandson of BR Chopra and son of Ravi Chopra, Ittefaq is set to be released on 3 November.