Singer-actor Aditya Narayan has been embroiled in an ugly controversy after his video from Raipur airport went viral yesterday. He is seen getting into a heated argument with the airport staff after he was asked to pay for his excess baggage. He is also seen threatening the staff member of dire consequences if he is offloaded from the plane.
His parting lines and threat invited flak and criticism on social media. He is seen throwing his weight around while speaking with the airport staffer. He is also seen accusing the staff of abusing him.
Now, his father and veteran singer Udit Narayan has given his reaction on the incident. Speaking about Aditya, he said, “All I want to say is that since his childhood, he has been a good boy and has done good work. I don’t know what was the fight and discussion (between Aditya and the airport staff) was about.
When pressed about his take on the controversy, he said, “I don’t know the exact incident because I was not there. I saw the viral video on television. Main kya kahu iss baare mein kuch samajh nahi aa raha hai (I don’t know what to say about this). I think you should talk to Aditya. We haven’t received any information from the airline. I don’t know who made this video and uploaded it everywhere. I haven’t even spoken to Aditya about it.”
According to the latest update, the airlines has issued a statement and also mentioned that Aditya later apologized to the staffer.
The full statement from the airlines read:
Today on 6E-258 (Raipur-Mumbai), Mr Aditya Narayan, travelling with a group of 5 people, was carrying excess baggage of 40 kgs. The amount to be paid for the carriage of excess baggage came to 13000 INR. He refused to pay this amount to the female check-in staff member and said that he will not pay more than 10000 INR for the excess baggage and also used unparliamentary language with the female staff member.
While making a video, he pointed a finger at the Duty Manager and again used profanity. When politely asked to be civil and not use such language as there were other passengers and female staff members present, he started shouting even louder and used abusive words which we are refraining from mentioning here.
He was informed that if he continues to misbehave he will not be allowed to travel.
Later, passenger Mr Narayan apologised to the ground staff and thereafter was given the boarding cards.
We at IndiGo can at no point compromise the dignity of our staff members or passengers.
Watch the video on Aditya's fight with the airlines staff: