A few months after the success of her second feature, Bareilly Ki Barfi, director Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari is looking ahead to her next production, a film revolving around the sport of kabbadi. The upcoming film, which is due to begin filming next year, will be produced by Fox Star Studios.
The writer and director made her filmmaking debut with Nil Battey Sannata (2016) told the tabloid Mumbai Mirror, "It's something I'd like to explore because like football, kabaddi too is getting into the limelight. The film will go on the floors next year. We are still to finalise the cast."
Both Fox Star Studios and Iyer Tiwari confirmed the project's announcement on Twitter earlier today.
Rucha Pathak, chief creative officer at Fox Star Studios, revealed to the daily newspaper why the director was chosen for the project. Pathak said, "While researching and developing a concept on kabaddi we came across an idea that we felt was just right for Ashwiny who has a unique voice as a storyteller as was evident in her first two films. I'm really glad she is going to be directing the film."
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Bareilly Ki Barfi (2017), a romantic comedy starring Ayushmann Khurrana, Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Sanon, grossed around Rs34 crore at the box office. Produced by BR Studios and Junglee Pictures on a budget of Rs20 crore, the film has been universally praised for the performances by its leads and for its charming subject matter.