Actress Ishita Dutta, whose film Firangi is due to be released in theatres this Friday, married actor Vatsal Sheth in a small, private ceremony at the ISKCON Temple in Mumbai on 28 November. In 2016, the two worked together on a television show called Rishton Ka Saudagar Baazigar.
Sheth shared the news on Twitter to his fans with the caption, "@ishidutta & I got married today in a private ceremony... Need all your love and blessings". His new bride retweeted his tweet.
Ishita, who is former Miss India Universe Tanushree Dutta's younger sister, made her film debut in a Telugu film, Chanakyudu (2012). Vatsal has had roles in films like Heroes (2008), Toh Baat Pakki (2010) and Jai Ho (2014) and is currently being seen as Kabir Raichand on the television show Haasil, along with Zayed Khan and Nikita Dutta.