Shah Rukh Khan is currently busy shooting for his much awaited dwarf drama with director Aanand L Rai. The actor shared pictures from the shoot of the film in the wee hours of Thursday morning on his Twitter page.
The team shot a song sequence yesterday, 15 November, where Khan shook a leg with the film’s leading ladies Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone. The Bajirao Mastani (2015) actress is making a special appearance in the film.
The yet untitled film is scheduled to be released on 21 December 2018.
Khan shared a collage of pictures with both the actresses and wrote, “Hard day at work…waltzing with the lovely Katrina & a hug from beautiful Deepika. And they say actors have it easy !!!”
Although Khan is said to be playing a dwarf in the film, he doesn't look like one in the pictures. The song appears to be a dance number.
This is Padukone’s fourth collaboration with Khan. She made her debut with him in Farah Khan’s Om Shanti Om (2007). The pairing was repeated by the same filmmaker in Happy New Year (2014). In between, Padukone appeared with Khan in Billu (2009) in the ‘Love Mera Hit Hit’ song.