Malayalam actor Dileep, currently out on bail in the actress kidnap case, was called in for further questioning by the police probe team on Wednesday, 15 November.
He was later let off after more than two hours of questioning at the Aluva Police club. According to the police sources, the actor, who secured bail on 3 October, after spending 85 days in jail, was called in for some clarifications on a medical certificate he had produced before.
Dileep was arrested on 10 July after the police probe team found clinching evidence to link him to the conspiracy part of the kidnap case.
The abduction of the popular actress took place in February 2017 when she was on her way from Thrissur to Kochi.
She was taken around in her vehicle forcibly and allegedly molested for about two hours before being left near an actor-director's home.
The key accused — Pulsar Suni and his accomplices involved in the actual abduction — were arrested a week after the incident.
Early this month, Dileep in a 12-page letter to the state home secretary, sought a CBI probe into the entire case and contended that he has been framed.