Directed by Raman, and starring real life siblings Saqib Saleem and Huma Qureshi, the trailer carries some thrilling moments, but not the chills of the Hollywood original.
Dobara trailer: Thrill is diluted in Prawaal Raman's Oculus remake
Mumbai - 09 May 2017 14:23 IST
Shriram Iyengar
Horror is a very underrated genre in Indian cinema. Few directors possess the ability to transpose the right emotion on screen. Prawaal Raman's Dobaara seeks to replicate the success of the recent Hollywood cult classic, Oculus, in Indian cinemas. The trailer for the film released today with Saqib Saleem and Huma Qureshi playing the brother-sister duo looking to destroy an evil mirror.
The trailer begins with the sight of Qureshi as Natasha Merchant finding an ancient looking mirror, only to find that it still possesses some evil elements within it. She then ropes in her brother, Kabir Merchant (Saqib Saleem) to try and destroy the evil mirror.
The connection of the mirror to the horrors of their childhood, and the looming tragedy of the future, make the trailer an interesting watch.
From the first look, the trailer is no different than that of the original, Oculus, from which the film claims to be inspired. Even the reactions of the actors, and the painful shot of Qureshi biting into a lightbulb seems to be an exact imitation. However, it does have its moments with Lisa Ray and Qureshi. However, it lacks the shock element that the original stood for. Saqib Saleem's unconvincing dialogue delivery is also a let down.
Here is the trailer of the original Oculus.
Dobaara is directed by Prawaal Raman, and has Huma Qureshi, Saqib Saleem, Lisa Ray, Adil Hussain in major roles. The film is scheduled for theatrical release on 2 June.