Smriti Irani recently joined Instagram, but her followers seem to include some seriously influential people. One of them, Shah Rukh Khan, might just have put the former television actress into the social media orbit.
Putting up a picture of her daughter, Irani wrote, '#familyphoto someone is being missed sorely.'
A post shared by Smriti Irani (@smritiiraniofficial) on
Surprisingly for her, and her fans, Khan retweeted the picture and shared a very surprising detail. Apparently, King Khan has been a close friend of Zubin Irani's and was responsible for naming Shanelle.
In his post, Khan wrote, 'My childhood friend Zubin's daughter all grown up and so pretty... and just for the record I named her Shanelle.'
A post shared by Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) on
In good humour, the minister replied to Khan saying '#memories #family #friends Best kept secret out, she continues to make us proud.'
Friends that tweet together, stay together, it would seem.