Priyanka Chopra's energy is undimmed. After wowing the fashion police with her iconic trench coat at the Met Gala, the actress has set out for Africa for her first stint as UNICEF's Global Goodwill ambassador.
The actress posted pictures to her Instagram page of her work as part of the UNICEF initiative to 'End Violence Against Children'. 'This is so very close to my heart,' wrote the actress on a post.
Chopra's stint with UNICEF began when she was appointed as India's UNICEF ambassador in 2010. Since then, the actress has been involved in a number of projects aimed at improving the lives of children across the country. Last year, she was appointed as the UNICEF Global Goodwill ambassador, and has carried the work forward.
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Going by the pictures, the experience of the children and their zest for life seem to have touched the actress to the core. In another post, the actress wrote, 'We cannot keep ignoring what is happening to our children around the world. My experience in Zimbabwe is a huge example of how the world is so desensitized to the plight of women and children.'
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The children were quite taken by the Quantico star, who bonded with them over a very Indian thing, bindis. Chopra, ever the fashionista, gave the children quite the upgrade with her stylish bindis.
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The resilience of the children, despite their history and experience of abuse, left an impact on the actress, who wrote, "Thank u for showing me that resilience will get u through anything.. '
It has been a busy 2017 for the actress who has a big film, Baywatch, awaiting release. However, despite her various commitments, the actress seems to be committed to her job as UNICEF ambassador.
Chopra is expected to attend the UNICEF charity gala in South Africa on 6 May, before returning to the United States in time for the release of Baywatch.