It is no mean feat to match Arijit Singh in a romantic track, but Shraddha Kapoor has put in a commendable effort in that direction. The actress delivers a serene version of the romantic ballad 'Main Phir Bhi Tumko Chahunga' in director Mohit Suri's Half Girlfriend.
Released today, the song features Shraddha Kapoor's Riya Somani expressing her own longing for Arjun Kapoor's Madhav Jha.
The video of the song looks at the entire romance between the two from Riya's viewpoint. While the song does not deviate much from the earlier version (sung by Singh), the visuals offer a deeper insight into the struggle and hesitancy in Shraddha's character.
A sensitive track, it has Shraddha delivering her own playback, adding to the emotional colour of the film. The actress comes across as quite the assured singer. Mithoon's composition keeps step with the deep lyrics by Manoj Muntashir. In all, it is an emotional track that is the perfect earworm for anyone who finds love to be complicated.
Shraddha's voice matches that of Singh who sings the original version, and is quite pleasant. The actress had previously sung in her films like Ek Villain (2014), Haider (2014), ABCD 2 (2015), Baaghi (2016) and Rock On 2 (2016).
Half Girlfriend is scheduled to be released on 19 May.
Watch the song here: