Priyanka Chopra's blink-and-miss appearance in the first Baywatch teaser trailer left quite a few fans disappointed. Dwayne Johnson, the star of the film, replied on Twitter asking everyone in India to trust his plans.
The actress's presence has been increased since then. The second teaser trailer introduced her as the suave villain capable of disrupting the tow truck that is Johnson, and she carries it forward in the first official trailer of the film.
The official trailer of the film certainly delivers to the point. Chopra makes a statement as the villainous Victoria Leeds but seems to be overshadowed by the antics of Zac Efron and Johnson in the film.
Directed by Seth Gordon, the film is a reboot of the popular American television series, Baywatch. Like several movie reboots of popular series, the trailer offers a glimpse of the light and comic tone through the film. Unlike the previous trailers, this one gives a broader picture of the plot of the film. The sight of Chopra playing a cartel boss dumping drugs and bodies in the backwaters of the beach puts her at loggerheads with the Baywatch gang. The actress sets the tone for her character saying 'Some people are up to no good,' but it is the heroes who steal the trailer.
Johnson and Efron deliver the comedic goods on their well-defined shoulders. From hiding in morgues to cross-dressing, Efron elicits laughs and Johnson continues to be his bemused self.
Baywatch also stars Alexandra Daddario, Kelly Rohrbach, and will also have cameos from former Baywatch stars, Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff. The film is scheduled for a theatrical release on 26 May in the USA.