Mira Rajput Kapoor has been at the centre of the limelight ever since her marriage to Shahid Kapoor. The 22-year-old mother spoke at a recent public event on Women's Day about her newborn child, Misha, and her husband, Shahid Kapoor. Mira said, "I am a homemaker and I am proud of the label. I love being home. I had a difficult pregnancy and now I want to spend every moment I can with my daughter."
Speaking about the constant 'scrutiny' of her life, and her decision to enter into an arranged marriage with a film star, Mira said, "Why not (go for an arranged marriage)? You have to meet someone in some way! It worked for us so beautifully because both of us laid our cards in the open in the beginning. We were ourselves. There was a different kind of discovery after marriage but there was no negative surprise."
She went on to add, "I understood the role I had to take and he (Shahid) understood that he had to become a part of my life. Both of us have given and taken a lot from each other and we have become more wholesome. It’s two halves that make a whole."
The actress also spoke about her decision to be a homemaker. Talking about her pregnancy, she said, "I had a tough pregnancy, I went to those 5 months of difficult times to bring my daughter into this world. So now I want to spend every moment that I can with her and I think there is a set of responsibilities around my plate and I feel at my age I have a lot more energy."
Speaking about the fad among film stars to get fit immediately post-pregnancy, Mira said that she preferred to be a 'healthy' mother. "It’s great to be fit but it’s better to be a healthy mother. I went through the pressure (of body shaming) as well after Misha’s birth. But I feel you can take time to lose that weight. It’s just not about physical, but mental health as well. I took those 40 days of confinement after delivery, which people say is outdated, and I had my ghee, because I gave a lot to give birth to Misha. I loved being pampered." Mira said.
Mira added that she would prefer to spend time raising her daughter Misha over a career. "I can raise my daughter, I can be a good wife. Nothing will stop me after that. I love being at home, I love being a mother to my child, I wouldn’t want to spend one hour a day with my child and rush off to work, why did I have her? She is not a puppy; I want to be there for her as a mother.”
Although her opinion of a 'new wave' of feminism might not go down well among the feminists, Mira does have her own opinion. Speaking of the need for feminism, she said, "Feminism isn’t woman VS man. It’s about equality. A new wave of feminism has come that is aggressive... I feel it’s destructive. There’s a new term called ‘feminazi’, which is the female equivalent of a chauvinist. I think there should be harmony between the two sexes and an equilibrium."