On 30 May, we had reported that Sanjay Dutt had opted out of Indra Kumar’s Total Dhamaal. Sources close to the actor had claimed that the actor wasn’t comfortable doing an adult comedy. There were also rumours of Riteish Deshmukh opting out of the project, which Kumar had rubbished. However, as it turns out, Deshmukh is yet to give his nod for the project.
Speaking to reporters while promoting his upcoming Bank Chor, Deshmukh mentioned that he was working on two Marathi films. When asked if he was doing the third film in the Dhamaal franchise, Deshmukh merely said, “I am yet to read the script of Total Dhamaal. Hope that answers your questions.”
When Cinestaan.com contacted another actor from the earlier films, Ashish Chaudhary, he said, "While Indra Kumar ji did speak about making a third Dhamaal film, there’s no contractual agreement yet. He hasn’t spoken to me since then. I believe the film is still to be scripted. It would be good though if the entire cast comes back together. I’m currently busy with my TV show."
Kumar had earlier directed Dhamaal (2007) and Double Dhamaal (2011).