The hype for Priyanka Chopra's Baywatch debut was followed by a widespread panning of the film by critics. But like they say, every grey cloud has a silver lining. Chopra's film has fared better than her counterpart, Deepika Padukone's debut in xXx: The Return Of Xander Cage, by exceeding the lifetime earnings of $45,551,661 in three weeks, according to the website, boxofficemojo.
The film released in the United States on 25 May, and has seen a steady collection since its initial fall. While Padukone's xXx: The Return Of Xander Cage only managed a lifetime earning of $44,898,413, Chopra's film has already crossed the number. While Padukone's film required a period of 57 days to reach the number, Baywatch has taken only 15 days to get there.
The only difference perhaps lies in the foreign collections of both films. Despite her international appeal, Chopra's Baywatch has only managed $35,002,118 in its foreign collections, where Padukone's film gathered a tremendous $301,249,245. However, these are still early days for Baywatch and the numbers are expected to rise.
While many of her fans were disappointed with the criticism levelled at her big Hollywood debut, the actress seems to be doing a lot better than expected. Even on her bad days, her films do quite well.