Shah Rukh Khan’s supposed death prank video took the internet by storm recently. It showed a dangerous death prank being played on the actor at a desert near Dubai. It started off with Khan enjoying a desert safari with a girl.
Although the girl was scared, the drive seems smooth until the car got trapped in black sand. Slowly, it starts sinking in the sand. Just then, a dragon appears, adding to the tension. However, it is soon learnt that the dragon is actually a man. The man is a host on a TV show where pranks are played on celebrities.
The video showed that the prank didn’t go down well with Khan. He got furious at the host and severely criticised him for the prank. The host apologised profusely, but to no avail.
As soon as the video was released on the internet, it instantly created a buzz. There were debates on social media on whether the whole thing was staged. Although it did look staged, a section of die hard Khan fans believed that the actor was subjected to harassment.
However, now Khan’s manager, Pooja Dadlani has confirmed that it was indeed staged. In an official statement, she said, “Yes, it was staged and Shah Rukh Khan was aware and was acting as if he was angry.”
It was a part of the TV show Ramez Underground by host Ramez Galal. As per its format, dangerous pranks are played on celebrities and famous personalities and the clip is later shown on TV. Later on, Galal also posted a selfie with Khan on his Twitter page.
Watch: Shah Rukh Khan getting angry at the host after the prank