Last Friday saw the arrival of as many as eight Hindi films — Dobaara: See Your Evil, Dear Maya, Hanuman Da Damdaar, Sweetiee Weds NRI, Bachche Kachche Sachche, Flat 211, Lakme, and Little Sholay — along with one Indian English film, A Death In The Gunj, and a Hinglish film, Mirror Game: Ab Khel Shuru.
Of these, Prawaal Raman’s Dobaara: See Your Evil collected a dismal Rs75 lakh in the first weekend, as per figures shared by The rest of the bunch fared worse, including Konkona Sensharma’s acclaimed A Death In The Gunj. The collections were negligible.
The box office continued to be dominated by Saket Chaudhary’s Hindi Medium and Sachin: A Billion Dreams, a docu-feature on ex-cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. Starring Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar in the lead, Hindi Medium scored Rs7 crore in its third weekend, taking its overall total to an impressive Rs48.62 crore and making the film a clear hit.
Sachin: A Billion Dreams fetched Rs4.25 crore approximately in its second weekend. It has so far earned Rs39.77 crore, an excellent figure for what is mostly a documentary.