The fans got a glimpse of Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan sharing screen space in the latter’s Tubelight. Now, if all goes well, the two might be seen together in Shah Rukh’s keenly awaited next with Aanand L Rai.
In an interview with a daily, the Raees actor said that he is keen on Salman playing a cameo in his film as there is scope for it. “There is a guest appearance in Aanand’s film that I’d like Salman to consider. We are still working on it. But, I would like him to play the role,” he said.
King Khan also added that he will soon be speaking with Salman. “I am going to speak to him when we get time. Salman and I only meet at 3 am, so we have to wait for the apt time,” he said.
Some reports say that Salman will not only do a cameo, but also play a character similar to his real self. Shah Rukh is not ready to divulge the details right now. “Whether he is playing himself or not, just like Gogo Pasha’s role (SRK’s role in Tubelight), we will keep it a secret till the end,” he added.
The yet-to-be-titled film also stars Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif.