SS Rajamouli's film Baahubali 2: The Conclusion has been shattering one record after another. The film's worldwide box-office collection has crossed Rs1,500 crore. The Hindi version had long smashed Dangal’s national record of Rs375 crore nett. Now, in the fifth week, Baahubali 2 has crossed the Rs500 crore nett mark in India.
Karan Johar, whose Dharma Productions distributed the Hindi version, has described it as a historic landmark in Hindi cinema.
As reported earlier, Baahubali 2's Hindi version had bagged Rs496.37 crore at the end of last week. The film bagged Rs1.34 crore on Monday, Rs1.22 crore on Tuesday, and Rs1.20 crore on Wednesday, taking the nett total to Rs500.13 crore. The film's total collection in India (Telugu, Hindi, English, Malayalam) stands at Rs1280 crore. Aamir Khan’s Dangal had collected Rs512 crore (Hindi, Tamil and Telugu) in India.
The collections are expected to slow down now with a host of films releasing tomorrow. Most prominent among them is Priyanka Chopra’s maiden Hollywood flick, Baywatch.
While the domestic market has long been conquered, director Rajamouli will hope that once his film is released in China, he would be able to surpass Dangal’s worldwide collection. Aamir Khan’s Dangal has got a record Rs1,000 crore so far in China, a first for any Indian film.