While Priyanka Chopra is making all the right moves to get India a name on the global platform, the trolls just aren't having it. Recently, Chopra's meeting with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, in Berlin earned her some viciousness on Twitter, with a number of trolls criticising her for 'showing of legs' at the meeting. The actress looked lovely and classy in a knee-length dress. But some trolls decided to play self-appointed moral police, taking to social media platforms to tell how Chopra, as a woman, should have worn modest or traditional clothes for a meeting with the PM.
While the ever exuberant Chopra shot back at the trolls with another picture of herself, few in the industry have stepped up in defense of the actress. Speaking at an event in Mumbai, Varun Dhawan said, "She is someone we all should be proud of in our country. She is making our country proud abroad and all this is very stupid. Social media trolling is not something that needs to become a national issue."
The 29 year old Badrinath Ki Dulhania actor's statement is in stark contrast to the defensive one by Amitabh Bachchan.
The veteran star, who recently played the conscientious advocate defending women's rights in Pink (2016), skirted the issue when asked about it. Bachchan said, "Neither am I the PM, nor am I Priyanka Chopra so how can I give any answer on this?"
Dhawan was not alone in his defence of Chopra though. Dia Mirza wrote 'I'm glad @priyankachopra chose to be herself and not play a part scripted by misogyny.'
Now, that is style!