Last week, there were news reports that Aamir Khan's blockbuster Dangal had grossed Rs2,000 crore worldwide. However, a film’s spokesperson has rubbished the figures that were carried in various media reports.
“We have been reading a lot of reports saying that Dangal has crossed Rs2,000 crore worldwide. Just to set the record straight, we want to clarify that Dangal's official worldwide gross collection figure as of Thursday (29 June) is Rs1,864 crore,” said a statement issued by the film’s spokesperson.
While Dangal has bagged Rs365 crore nett in India, its box office collection in China so far stands at a staggering $191.7 million (approximately Rs1,275 crore at the current exchange rate).
The film has bagged approximately Rs214 crore from other markets — US, UK, Gulf, Australia and New Zealand.
Khan’s Dangal set a record for the highest grossing Indian film worldwide. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Disney India, the film was both commercially, as well as critically acclaimed.
Dangal’s record of domestic nett collection was beaten by SS Rajamouli’s Hindi version of Baahubali which bagged over Rs500 crore nett.