The Commando actor will be soon heading to an elephant reserve in Kerala to shoot his upcoming production, Junglee, this October. Director of The Mask (1994) and The Scorpion King (2002), Chuck Russell, has stepped in for his first project in India.
Last September, producers Junglee Pictures had announced the project, with Rohan Sippy as the director and Jammwal as the protagonist. According to recent reports, Rohan Sippy has been replaced by Chuck Russell.
The adventure film features Vidyut as a veterinarian, who becomes an animal activist for his elephant friends.
With Russell’s expertise and involvement, Shahani said, the film has a potential to reach out to a bigger audience, “We have written it primarily for a Hindi-speaking audience but Chuck’s involvement reinstates that the story has the ability to connect with an international audience too and can be turned into a Hindi- English bilingual.”
The release date of the film has not been announced as yet.