Apart from being the producer of Marathi film Poshter Boyz (2014), Shreyas Talpade was seen doing a cameo of chief minister of Maharashtra in the Marathi film. For its Hindi remake, Poster Boys, he has donned the hat of a director, producer, and one of the lead actors. The trailer of Poster Boys, released today (24 July), and it is hilarious.
The original had actors Aniket Vishwasrao, Dilip Prabhavalkar and Hrishikesh Joshi. The Hindi film has Talpade, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol play the characters whose picture gets mistakenly published on a poster advertising vasectomy (nasbandi).
There is obviously a major change from the Marathi film. An ageing senior citizen in Poshter Boyz is now a retired army man (played by Sunny) who, staying true to his image, bashes up people.
Coming to Bobby, he has tried comedy in the past in films like Chor Machaye Shor (2002). But, going by the trailer, this might be his funniest role till date. The scene where he delivers a rather long dialogue in shudh Hindi deserves mention. His look is also sure to make heads turn.
Poster Boys has also added a remake of an old Hindi song. ‘Kudiyan Shehar Diyan’ from Sunny’s own Arjun Pandit (1999).
Co-produced by Dharmendra and Sony Pictures, Poster Boys is all set to be released on 8 September. The first poster of the film was also released today.
Watch the trailer: