Shah Rukh Khan is all set to start a new trend. The actor posted a picture of himself with DJ Diplo announcing their collaboration on a music video, to promote his upcoming film Jab Harry Met Sejal.
The actor is currently in Los Angeles spending some time with his family. It was during this holiday that Khan took time off to visit Diplo at the Universal Studios in LA. The song, titled 'Phurrr' will be a part of Imtiaz Ali's Jab Harry Met Sejal.
Tweeting about the collaboration, the actor wrote, "Walked into the video @diplo is making for Phurrr! Got a starring role in it & his Decent jacket. Wes u r dope! Thx"
Thomas Wesley Pentz aka DJ Diplo is an internationally renowned composer. He is a Grammy award winner and has collaborated with artists like M.I.A., Justin Bieber and Skrillex.
Jab Harry Met Sejal will be released on 4 August.