The actor had instantly dismissed it and asked director Ali for a 'happier story', giving birth to Jab Harry Met Sejal.
Shah Rukh Khan had dismissed Imtiaz Ali’s story of a suicidal man
Mumbai - 24 Jul 2017 13:00 IST
Our Correspondent
On Friday (21 July), Imtiaz Ali had revealed how a casual conversation with his mother had led to the birth of Jab Harry Met Sejal. Ali had a different story in mind when he approached Shah Rukh Khan. Apparently, Ali wanted to make a film about a man who commits suicide, but the actor dismissed the idea, reported the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency.
The actor told PTI that Ali had earlier approached him with the idea of a man "trying to commit suicide", but he instantly dismissed it and asked for a "happier story", giving birth to Jab Harry Met Sejal. Ali then weaved his script around a Punjabi guide in Europe, who meets a Gujrati tourist Sejal (Anushka Sharma).
Khan found Ali to be an extremely sensitive person. “I haven't seen Imtiaz's films, to be honest, but when I met him, I found him extremely gentle and sensitive. Amongst the people I had worked with earlier, it was the same quality that Yashji, Adi (Aditya Chopra), Karan (Johar) had. They are personally very different but also very sensitive,” added Khan.
Jab Harry Met Sejal will be released on 4 August.