The nepotism battle looks to have started quite the war in the Hindi film industry, and Kangana Ranaut is at the centre of it. After Karan Johar,Varun Dhawan and Saif Ali Khan's jokes on her nepotism jibe on the IIFA stage, writer Apurva Asrani joined in the criticism of Ranaut on Twitter. However, Ranaut's sister, Rangoli Chandel has now stepped up to her defense, taking on Asrani on Twitter.
In a series of tweets, Chandel, who is also Ranaut's manager, negated accusations of 'nepotism'. She blasted Asrani's jibes that Ranaut is promoting her brother and sister in the industry.
Chandel wrote that it was Ranaut who defended her, took care of her, and helped get her back on her feet after a severe acid attack.
While Ranaut is currently hospitalised after suffering an injury on the sets of Manikarnika, her sister seems to be taking on the role of the warrior in the arena of Twitter. As the adage goes, blood is thicker than water.