Malayalam superstar Dileep's cutody has been extended by a day on Friday. The court accepted a request from the police and extended the actor's custody till Saturday, 5pm.
The actor's counsel K Ramkumar informed the media outside the court that the bail plea would be taken up on Saturday afternoon. He was also critical of the manner in which the police probe is going ahead.
The police had questioned Dileep's manager Appunny and actor-turned-director Nadir Shah, along with Dileep in July. Appunny has been summoned by the police again but he is out of contact. Ramkumar asked if the police has enough evidence then why was it searching for an approver.
On Friday, a huge crowd gathered in front of the court premises and hollered against the actor, Dileep, however, was seen waving at the crowd with a smile.
Dileep was arrested on Monday (10 July) in connection with the abduction and molestation of a popular actress. After his arrest, the actor was remanded to 14 days judicial custody. In the past two days the police took him to all the places where the conspiracy of the actress's abduction was alleged hatched.
The police is said to have arrested Dileep based on 19 pieces of evidence that they were able to gather in connection with the abduction of the young actress on 17 February, when she was travelling from Thrissur to Kochi by road.