It has been eight years since filmmaker Shyam Benegal made a feature film. His last film, Well Done Abba!, starring Boman Irani and Minisha Lamba, had released in 2009. Now, the veteran director is all set to make his next Hindi feature film.
He revealed this in an exclusive conversation with, although he didn’t divulge more details. “I have a project. We are putting together the cast. I am not sure when we will start it,” he said.
Benegal added that the project is expected to go on floors after the monsoons. “I don’t do films during this time of the year. I usually start after the monsoons. My shoot is usually from October onwards till March. It’s the preferred time for outdoor work. Winter months are the best. It is best for lighting as well. There is also less dust,” he said.
The filmmaker helmed a mini TV series Samvidhan in 2014. Based on the forming of India’s Constitution, the drama was well-appreciated. He revealed that he is working on another mini TV series. “There is also a television mini series that I have to do. Let’s see which happens first. I am preparing for both,” said Benegal.
The Manthan director had a 90-minute docu-drama on the History of Punjab some time back. The film is currently being shown throughout the day on a daily basis at the Jung-e-Azadi museum complex in Kartarpur, which is on the highway between Delhi and Amritsar. It is produced by the government of Punjab.