Apart from Central Board Of Film Certification (CBFC) chairman, Pahlaj Nihalani, Lipstick Under My Burkha seems to have an increasing number of fans. Amitabh Bachchan joined the list when he praised Alankrita Shrivastava's film after watching its trailer.
It was Aahana Kumra, who is a part of Shrivastava's film, who tweeted the film's trailer to Bachchan. Having watched it, the senior actor tweeted back saying 'Friend and co-artist Aahana, sends me her film trailer.. looks bold and different.'
Kumra, who made her debut as Bachchan's daughter in Anurag Kashyap's television drama, Yudh, was naturally thrilled at the reaction.
She said, "For a young actor like me, working with Mr Bachchan was truly the most rewarding experience of my life. He has been very supportive of my work and always appreciates every little detail! In fact I was so overwhelmed this morning to see that he tweeted about the film and that just made my day! He's called the film different and bold! Exactly what we stand for! I'm grateful that people across the globe have loved the film and I hope it gets the same reception in our motherland."
CBFC needs classes on cinema, gender: Lipstick Under My Burkha director
The film has become a festival favourite having won awards and rave reviews at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles and the Toronto International Film Festival among others. It has now been selected as the opening film of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2017, on 10 June.
Shrivastava's film also stars Konkona Sensharma, Ratna Pathak Shah and Plabita Borthakur. The film is set to be released in India on 28 July.
Prakash Jha: CBFC should start giving ‘lady-oriented’ certificates to films