Akshay Kumar's witty, sardonic Jolly LLB in Subhash Kapoor's Jolly LLB 2 has already caught the attention of fans. The trailers show the actor in fine form playing a wisecracking, honest, but street smart lawyer up against the odds. In the new making video from the makers of the film, Kumar opens up on how the stories of Birbal shaped his characterisation of Jolly LLB in the sequel.
"Jolly is a character who comes across as somebody a lot of people will like. A lot of people, hopefully, will also be able to associate with him," says Subhash Kapoor. The director also said that the character stands out with his penchant for dialogue delivery, and saying things in an expansive manner.
Kumar compared his Jolly to the Akbar's legendary minister, Birbal. He says, "He wears a tikka on his head just like Birbal." It is interesting how Kapoor describes the character being influenced by the challenges faced by Birbal who comes up with witty, innovative solutions to Emperor Akbar's complex questions.
The Khiladi Kumar also adds, "How he always got a smile on people's faces, and also communicate a message through his deeds. (Jolly) is a small town guy. I love how people wear sports shoes on formal clothes because they have to run around a lot during the day. Jolly has all types of shades. He is clever, he is intelligent, he is business minded."
Well, seeing how the street-smart lawyer is going to be up against a corrupt system, it is going to take all his wit to escape victorious.
Jolly LLB 2 is set to be released on 11 February.