Shah Rukh Khan’s filmography spans more than 25 years. The actor has donned various avatars, from the lover boy in Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995) to the mean drug trafficker in Don (2006) to the mature counsellor in Dear Zindagi (2016).
But in all these years, he has never played a character who is into politics and contests elections. His political side will finally be seen in Rahul Dholakia’s Raees, which is to be released on 25 January.
During a recent media interaction when he was asked whether he prepared specially for this side of his character, since this was his first time, he said, “No, I don’t go into such details. I am not such a serious actor (laughs). I think Rahul (Dholakia) and all are very clear in the storytelling. But it’s a small part. Of course, being a gangster in a local area he does deal with politicians, which typically happens. There is always this little bit of a nexus, war or disturbance between each other. But there wasn’t more effort around it,” he said.
He also went on to reveal more details about the story, Mahira’s character and other females in the film. “The story has a little bit of evolution on how his woman (Mahira) and other women come all around to help him fight that election. I think that’s an interesting part of it,” he added.
Let’s see who these other women are and how they help him realise his electoral dreams.