Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees and Hrithik Roshan’s Kaabil are all set to clash at the box-office on 25 January. Earlier, Kaabil was suppose to release only in the evening on the opening day, but the makers later decided to make it full-day release.
And now, both the films have been cleared by the Central Board of Film Certification with U/A certificates. Coincidentally, both films have been suggested minor verbal cuts. Raees got six while Kaabil got four cuts.
There have been reports floating about the SRK starrer being based on the late Gujarat gangster Abdul Latif. Hence, there was this fear that the film might have some controversial content, since the story Latif is strongly political. Thankfully though, the CBFC members didn’t have any political issues with the film.
According to various reports, the CBFC strongly applauded Kaabil. They were also pleased to see the low degree of violence despite it being a revenge saga. A source from the board told a portal, “All of Hrithik’s films are clean and family-oriented. Though Kaabil is a revenge saga, it is not excessively violent. It is a very emotional film. And we feel it should be watched by everyone. It is the best revenge story since Ghajini.”
Only time will tell whether both the films stand neck-to-neck even at the box-office.