Karan Johar does not have it easy. The producer director's candid confessions about his personal life and struggles have earned him praise across the divisions. Johar expressed his disappointment at the constant attention and insults, that he wakes up to on Twitter every day. If the director was trying to send out a message to the trolls, they just haven't got the memo.
Read more: 5 confessions on sexuality Karan Johar makes in his biography
Johar found himself barraged by another rude troll today taunting him about his sexuality. Writing under the handle @SanghiSherlock, the individual laid down what can only be described as an indecent proposal for Johar, in return for a role.
Hopefully, this would end the debate. After all the struggle with his films, stories and depression, the least Johar deserves is some peace and privacy.