The first trailer of director Anshai Lal’s Phillauri was released earlier in the week. It managed to create a positive buzz for the Anushka Sharma produced film, where she is also playing the role of a ghost.
The film juggles between two time zones. The promo focused more on the current era and gave a glimpse of the ghost’s back story. The makers have just released a new poster of the film. This one features the flashback period.
It’s a romantic poster that has Anushka and Diljit Dosanjh embracing each other with lot of love in their eyes. It has a historical monument in the background, which is reminiscent of the bygone era. Both the actors are looking good together. Diljit is almost unrecognisable with his long locks falling to his shoulders.
But this sight instantly brings back memories of the poster of Yash Chopra’s Veer-Zaara (2004). In that poster too, Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta are standing in a similar pose against the backdrop of a historic structure.
Pillauri also stars Suraj Sharma (of Life Of Pi fame) whose character accidentally gets married to a ghost. The film is is all set to release on 24 March.