The Aurangabad bench of the Bombay high court has ordered deletion of four scenes from Subhash Kapoor's upcoming film, Jolly LLB 2, which is due for release this Friday. The four scenes include — ‘objectionable’ signalling and dialogues inside a court, judge hiding under his table, a scene where a shoe is hurled and a dialogue during an argument.
Last week, advocate Ajay Waghmare filed a petition in the Bombay high court alleging the film to be “a deliberate attempt to malign the judiciary” and a “derogative insult and attempt to tarnish the image and reputation of Indian Judiciary and the Legal profession.”
The HC found prima facie contempt against the film after watching the trailers. The bench appointed a three member committee to watch the entire film and submit a report as to whether the allegations against the film are true.
But the makers approached the Supreme Court on 1 February challenging the Bombay HC order. Unfortunately for the makers, the bench directed them to first argue the matter in the HC. It also said that the SC will intervene if need be.
Following this, the makers showed the film to the three-member committee, which submitted the report today.
The producers, Fox Star Studios, are now likely to approach the SC tomorrow as the film is close to its release date.
But the trouble for Jolly LLB 2 doesn’t end here. A court in Jaipur has summoned Kumar on 10 February as it has expressed discontent over “representation of lawyers.”
Interestingly, Jolly LLB 2 has already received clearance from the Central Board of Film Certification. The board didn’t find any of the aforementioned scenes objectionable.
As soon as the news about the deletion of scenes and summons for Kumar spread on social media, there has been an uproar on Twitter.