The release of Akshay Kumar’s Jolly LLB 2, which is scheduled on 10 February, is in jeopardy after the Supreme Court directed the makers to first argue the case in the Bombay High Court where a contempt petition against the film has already been filed.
Earlier in the week, advocate Ajay Waghmare had filed a petition against the film as he believes it is “a deliberate attempt to malign the judiciary” and a “derogative insult and attempt to tarnish the image and reputation of Indian Judiciary and the legal profession.” He also alleged that the film has scenes that attempt to malign the reputation of judges who “dispense justice as a sacred duty.”
Based on the trailers of the Subhash Kapoor directed film, the Aurangabad bench of the High Court observed that there is a prima facie case of contempt against the film. The bench appointed a three-member committee to see the film in order to make sure whether the accusations are true. The committee was supposed to submit their report on 2 February.
But the makers directly approached the Supreme Court a day earlier, challenging the High Court’s move. They questioned the decision of showing the film to the committee since they have already received a clearance from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC).
The producers, however, received a setback as the SC asked them to first argue the matter in the HC. The bench said that all such pleas are heard by the HC first and the SC intervenes only if need arises.
The makers had no choice but to show their film to the three-member committee yesterday. The committee will submit their report on Monday, 6 February. The hearing will take place in the HC on 7 February.
The film is supposed to release on 10 February.