Priyanka Chopra's life gives people feelings of being a green-eyed monster. The actress has been the toast of Hollywood in recent times, hanging out with the best of the best. While she posed for selfies with Meryl Streep at the Golden Globes, and downs shots with Ellen DeGeneres quite regularly, her recent post might just give rock music fans a new reason to follow the actress.
Change of plans ! Oscars here we come.. @mickjagger LA LA land...
A post shared by Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) on
Heading for the Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, the actress put up a selfie on her Instagram page with Mick Jagger posing beside her. The legendary rockstar and frontman of Rolling Stones was on the same flight as Chopra, and that is reason enough to call her awesome. Though the actress did not mention what her status of 'Change of plans' meant, the picture certainly shook up her fans.
This will be Chopra's second visit to the prestigious Academy Awards after she presented the Oscar for Best Film Editing alongside Liev Schreiber in 2016. The actress turned quite a few heads with her resplendent appearance on the red carpet.
While Deepika Padukone has already announced that she will not be able to make it to the Oscars this year, Chopra seems to have become a regular at the event. Whether the press notices it or not, this lady is going places.