In a shocking incident, Malayalam actress Bhavana was reportedly abducted and molested by a gang of men inside a car last night. The police have so far arrested one, while the hunt for the remaining accused is on.
The incident happened at Kerala’s Ernakulam district at around 9.30 pm when the gang obstructed her car and took her in their vehicle. She was allegedly molested inside the running car. The gang also reportedly took her pictures and videos and warned her of dire consequences.
A police source is quoted by a portal saying, “For about one hour she was in the car with them and they kept driving and later around 10.30 pm she was dropped near the place where she lived. We are looking for another accused in the case and are hopeful that he will be arrested soon.” The police have registered a case of kidnapping and molestation.
The police soon did a breakthrough in the case by arresting one of the accused named Martin. He is Bhavana’s former driver. Another person in the gang is Sunil. He too was the actress’s driver in the past.
The news has come as shock across India. This is evident from the continuous reactions on Twitter.
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