Radio anchor and actor Annu Kapoor brought in his birthday, a few days early with his work family at 92.7 BIG FM. Kapoor was also celebrating the success of his latest film, Jolly LLB 2, in which he goes up against Akshay Kumar’s Jagdishwar Mishra. He plays Jolly’s adversary, the lawyer Pramod Mathur in court.
Kapoor is picking up the same kind of accolades for his role in Jolly LLB 2 as he did for Shoojit Sircar’s Vicky Donor (2012). For that he gives credit to his director, Subhash Kapoor. He shared the text message he sent out to Subhash, telling him, ‘It is very difficult in our country to achieve commercial, as well as critical success. Kudos to you, congrats and thank you so much.’ Surprisingly, Annu Kapoor is yet to see Jolly LLB 2, as he doesn’t watch many films anyway.
He liked the script when he read it and everyone who worked on it felt they were working on something special. Annu Kapoor feels very often in Hindi cinema, films work well and make a lot of money but many a times, “mass ke chakar me class nikaal jaati hain [in order to woo the masses, you lose the class]”. But he’s been thankful to work on films like Vicky Donor and Jolly LLB 2 where the mass and class both meet up. “That’s how cult and classic films are made. You see these films after 50 years, they will stay fresh. That’s how much work has gone into them,” he said.
Kapoor’s daily radio show, ‘Suhaana Safar with Annu Kapoor’ where he discusses film songs and personalities in detail has been running on the radio channel for nearly four years now. He admitted to feeling a lot of pressure to run the show, keep it factual and interesting for everywhere, but said working with youngsters, gives him the energy to keep going.