Vishwaroopam 2, the sequel to Kamal Haasan's blockbuster Vishwaroopam (2013), is finally arriving at its destined release date. Having seen a number of obstructions over content and distribution, the actor tweeted that he is 'personally involved' in getting the film released now.
The sequel to the 2013 blockbuster was set to release earlier this year, however, incessant delays and problems with the producer proved a roadblock. In his latest tweet, Haasan announced that he was personally involved in trying to get the film released. He also assured fans that there were only 'technical' and 'legal' problems that need to be sorted out before the film's release.
Vishwaroopam 2 stars Haasan, Pooja Kumar, Andrea, Shekhar Kapur and Rahul Bose in pivotal roles. The film is written, directed, and co-produced by Haasan, and is set to release as a trilingual in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. The film is also reportedly set in India, unlike its first part which was set in the United States of America.