Akshay Kumar's turn as the lawyer in Jolly LLB 2 continues to hold the fans' attention. The film added a 20% increase to its collection on Wednesday, earning Rs5.25 crore nett. This brings the total revenue of the film to Rs67.75 crore.
The film is set to have a good second week with few releases lined up on the horizon. The releases of RunningShaadi and The Ghazi Attack might not affect the film's earnings much. Of these, only The Ghazi Attack poses some threat due to its scale of production.
As of today, Jolly LLB 2's earnings can be listed as
Friday: Rs12 crore
Saturday: Rs16.25 crore
Sunday: Rs19 crore
Monday: Rs6.75 crore
Tuesday: Rs8.50 crore
Wednesday: Rs5.25 crore
Total: Rs67.75 crore
The film is being touted by trade analysts to breach the Rs72 crore nett mark over the weekend. It would mark the fifth highest first week earning for an Akshay Kumar film, and rank above films like Singh is Bling (2015) and Brothers (2015).