With only a day left for 2018 to arrive, the Hindi film industry seems to have packed its bags and headed out for a much deserved break. Alia Bhatt, Akshay Kumar, Rajkummar Rao, and the trio of Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and little Taimur Ali Khan are among the many names who have put up pictures of their ongoing holidays.
Bhatt seems to have picked the nice beachfronts of Bali for her holiday. The Dear Zindagi (2016) actress has combined her best friend's bachelorette celebrations with the coming new year's eve to make it a double deal.
I like me better when I’m with youu ðÂÂÂÂÂÂ
A post shared by Alia â¨âÂÂï¸Â (@aliaabhatt) on
The actress is not alone in the Far East. Rajkummar and Patralekha are another couple who are welcoming the new year in the orient. With a stellar year behind him, Rajkummar has decided to spend the last day of the year in Thailand. The vacation pictures certainly capture a whole lot of fun. While he might be away from the spotlight, the actor in him seems to be at work always.
Being mad with @patralekhaa. #kohsamui #thailand
A post shared by Raj Kummar Rao (@rajkummar_rao) on
Akshay, meanwhile, has headed to the sunny climes of South Africa with wife Twinkle Khanna, and kids Aarav and Nitara, for his annual vacation. The actor posted pictures of himself driving Twinkle around Cape Town on her birthday.