Actor Salman Khan is said to have given his nod to director-choreographer Remo D’Souza’s next, tentatively titled Dancing Dad. However, as per a report in the daily, DNA, Khan is also said to have taken up the third instalment of the Race franchise, with a condition that D’Souza be brought in as the director. It further states that D’Souza has put his film, Dancing Dad, with Khan, on the back burner for Race 3.
However, when contacted D’Souza for a confirmation, he claimed to have no inkling of the rumours and said with a bewildered tone, “I have no idea about it!”
When asked whether he has been approached by Khan or Race 3 producer, Ramesh Taurani, to helm Race 3, D’Souza denied with a firm negative.
Producer Taurani denied to comment on the news of him apporaching Khan or D’Souza for Race 3, saying, “I don’t want to comment on it right now.”
Apart from the D’Souza film Dancing Dad, Khan has also been signed up for Dabangg 3 and Kick 2.