Amitabh Bachchan is collaborating with Sairat (2016) director Nagraj Manjule's for the latter's maiden Hindi film. Buzz has it that the film is based on Nagpur-based professor Vijay Barse, founder of the NGO Slum Soccer.
While he didn’t reveal the plot of the film, Manjule told DNA newspaper that Bachchan’s character was based on a real life character.
“Let’s just say, it is based on a real life character. But the way I’ve written the part and the film, it moves very far away from the original source,” Manjule said.
As per the news report, the project is said to be based on professor Barse. NGO Slum Soccer provided an opportunity for slums kids to showcase their talent. Slum Soccer organises a nationwide soccer tournament to pick the best talents to represent the nation for the Homeless Soccer World Cup.