At the trailer launch of his next production Secret Superstar on 2 August, Aamir Khan was asked whether he had marched ahead of the other two Khans: Shah Rukh Khan, who is going through a lean phase, and Salman Khan, who endured a first flop since 2014 with Tubelight (2017).
Aamir diplomatically refused to look much into their failures, and spoke of his respect for the contemporaries.
“You have to understand that creative work is very unpredictable. All of us try our best. Sometimes we succeed in what we do, sometimes we don’t. I don’t think that one or two failure would take a toll on anyone’s stardom. I think that Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are huge stars, they are mega stars. I am a huge fan of their work and I don’t really compare. Each one is unique and each one is different," Aamir said at the press conference.
In the 90s, the two Khans (Aamir and Shah Rukh) often took cheeky digs at each other. Aamir had once courted controversy by saying that he has named his dog Shah Rukh.