Akshay Kumar’s film bagged Rs1.15 crore nett on its 15th day, while Ayushmann-Kriti Sanon's Bareilly Ki Barfi earned Rs.1.25 on its eighth day.
Box office — Steady run for Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Bareillly Ki Barfi
Mumbai - 26 Aug 2017 14:24 IST
Mayur Lookhar
With new releases failing to make an impression, films from the preceding weeks — Bareilly Ki Barfi and Toilet: Ek Prem Katha — continued to draw in audiences to the cinemas.
Akshay Kumar's Toilet: Ek Prem Katha got Rs1.15 crore nett on its third Friday (25 August), as reported by BoxOfficeIndia.com.
Toilet was sold to distributors Viacom18 Motion Pictures at Rs53 crore, excluding Akshay's fees. The overall estimated budget was said to be around Rs70 crore. The film has so far made Rs123.11 crore nett.
Toilet will need to cross Rs128.77 crore to emerge as the highest grossing Hindi film so far this year. Telugu film Baahubali: The Conclusion’s Hindi version had amassed Rs510.36 crore nett alone.
Meanwhile, the much loved Bareilly ki Barfi held its own on its eighth day. The film collected an impressive Rs1.25 crore nett on its second Friday, taking its collection so far to Rs19.62 crore nett. The film should break even soon (estimated budget is Rs20 crore). The film, starring Ayushmann Khurrana and Kriti Sanon, had released across 1,000 screens.
Meanwhile, Hollywood flick Annabelle Creation collected Rs2 crore nett on its eighth day, taking its total collection so far to Rs38 crore nett.
With the new releases not have good opening, Bareilly ki Barfi will hope to touch the Rs25 crore-mark that will help gain returns for the distributors.