A day after Aamir Khan's statement saying there are more than three 'big stars' in the Hindi film industry, international magazine Forbes has put Akshay Kumar in the top 10 list of highest paid entertainers in the world. Akshay has been ranked 10th, while Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan precede him at the 8th and 9th positions, respectively.
Transformers: The Last Knight actor Mark Wahlberg took his position as the highest paid entertainer in the world, displacing Priyanka Chopra's Baywatch co-star Dwayne Johnson. Forbes cited that Wahlberg's earnings rose as high as $68 million in 2016-2017.
Meanwhile, Akshay's rise to the top 10 is symbolic of his increasing bankability in the Hindi film industry. The actor's earnings were pegged by the magazine as being in the range of Rs227.5 crore, while Shah Rukh earned a total of Rs243.50 crore, and Salman earned Rs237 crore in 2016-2017. Sadly, there are no Indian actresses in the full list either.
The magazine based its rankings on the data collected between the 12 month period beginning at June 2016.
The Indian actors were preceded by Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr, and Jackie Chan in 7th, 6th and 5th places.
The list of highest paid actresses was led by La La Land star, Emma Stone, with $26 million, while Jennifer Aniston took second place with $25.5 million. However, the disparity between the male and female list has certainly caught the attention of people on the internet. Despite her topping the list of highest paid actresses, Stone only finishes 15th on the full list of highest paid entertainers. While there are 10 Hollywood actresses in the list of 30, there is no Indian actress in the top 10 list of highest paid entertainers by Forbes.