Actor Subodh Bhave’s is an interesting story. Starting off from theatre and television, he slowly walked up the ladder of success in Marathi cinema and, today, is one of the biggest stars of the industry. In between, he even donned the hat of director for the well-appreciated musical Katyar Kalzat Ghusali (2015).
Bhave will now be seen in the romantic entertainer Tula Kalnnaar Nahi, which is directed by Swapna Waghmare Joshi. The film has him paired opposite Sonalee Kulkarni for the first time.
In an exclusive interview with, the versatile actor opens up about the film, his career and the need of the hour for Marathi cinema. Excerpts:
What is Tula Kalnnaar Nahi about?
The film is about a married couple. After marriage, people continuously get to hear this line, ‘Jau de, tula kalnar nahi [Let it be, you won’t understand].’ A husband and wife don’t express a number of things and keep them to themselves. This slowly creates problems. The couple in the film is one such couple, which has started developing differences. What are the differences and their consequences will be learnt in the film. The film has narrated the tale in an entertaining manner. This is a two-hour light-hearted, romantic film.
What is your character like in the film?
I play the character Rahul. He works in a construction company. His wife is a photographer. They had a love marriage. He loves his wife and he is a shy type of character. It is amusing how they fall in love. Now, the wife has some expectations from the husband and vice-versa. They then start feeling that they are now two enemies inside the house. But the film is an entertaining ride.
How was it working with Sonalee Kulkarni for the first time?
Yes, this is the first time I have worked with her. I have always liked her as an actress. I was waiting for years to work with her, but we never found any such film. She is very clear and focused. She knows exactly what to do. This makes her an intelligent actress. So, I had a very good time working with her. I enjoyed my scenes with her.
Recently, you starred with Swwapnil Joshi in Fugay. It was fun to see your chemistry and bonding on screen. Now, he is associated with Tula Kalnnaar Nahi.
Swwapnil is also a producer of this film. I feel he has shown great faith in this film. There is a good amount of affection between us. Plus, he has given full freedom to the director to make the film in the way she feels best. It is very important to have a strong producer as support. And Swwapnil, Shreya (Kadam) and others are just like that.
You and Swwapnil are two of the biggest stars currently in the Marathi film industry. How is your equation off the sets?
My equation with him is superb. We don’t have any insecurity with each other. On the contrary, we have great respect for each other’s work. In case we don’t like something or if there is a disagreement, we openly share it with each other, we are such close friends. I feel no fear while working with him or while sharing anything with him. This is the case with him too. I feel the trust that we have for each other and with each other is rare.
You have been acting for well over a decade. How do you look at your career?
It has been 16 years since I began working [in the film industry]. I feel in these years I have had notable achievements. This is just a small milestone. I wish to work much more. I wish to continue the same way. In the next phase what I achieve and do is left to be seen and I am putting efforts for the same. I am happy that I got a chance to do the kind of work I have always wanted to do.
Your directorial debut Katyar Kalzat Ghusali was highly appreciated. When can we see you directing a film again?
Soon. Next year I will go on the sets for that. The preparations are on currently. I will announce the name of the film and what it is exactly.
This year we have had too many films. There were two and even three Marathi films being released each week. Of these, very few have been successful or acclaimed. How do you look at this?
This is the case everywhere currently. And it is also seen in Marathi cinema. I feel if the number of films lessen and if good quality films are made, then it will automatically help the situation. The thing is that everyone wants to make a good film. But the quantity of the films is not in our control. The fewer the films, the better.
Quite a few people from the industry have been demanding scrapping of the subsidy given to Marathi films in Maharashtra. What is your take on this?
The subsidy should be stopped. There are some people whose aim is only to get the subsidy. And the kind of loss the industry has faced because of people wanting to get the subsidy is very high. I feel the earlier system was much better where you received the money back if your film did well. This ensures that people will put in efforts and hard work to make good films.
What is the need of the hour for Marathi cinema?
I think people should realize what their USP is and make films accordingly. Good stories and high quality cinema are what we need.