Marathi film stars Ankush Chaudhari and Amruta Khanvilkar are all set to be immortalized in wax at the Lonavala and Devgad museums. Both artistes unveiled their wax statues today in Mumbai in the presence of sculptor Sunil Kandalloor and legislator Nitesh Rane.
Speaking on the occasion, Chaudhari said, “I never thought that such a thing could happen with me. I have visited wax museums abroad with statues of Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities and international sportspersons. I used to feel that one day there should be a statue of myself which people would come to see. Then I felt why should people from here go abroad to see my statue? It should be here.”
But Chaudhari admitted that bigger achievers than him also deserve the honour. “I have got this chance at a young age. So, it’s my wish that people much bigger than me in age and experience – like Lakshya mama [the late film comedian Laxmikant Berde], Ashok mama [veteran Marathi film star Ashok Saraf], Arun Sarnaik, Dadasaheb Phalke – should also get wax statues. And then somewhere at the side should be mine.”
Khanvilkar also said she had never imagined that there would be a wax statue of her someday. "I have also visited wax museums abroad and clicked pictures with a number of statues," she said. "I never thought I would get a wax statue, that too in Konkan; I am from there."
The actress agreed with Chaudhari's sentiment. “As Ankush said, there are many artistes who are more experienced in work and as humans should also have wax statues,” she said.
Asked whose statue was more difficult to sculpt, Kandalloor said it was Ankush’s because of his fluctuating weight.