Shah Rukh Khan was spotted wearing a turban while shooting for a song with Anushka Sharma for Imtiaz Ali's untitled film in Punjab. Though the official title hasn't been announced, it is rumoured to be The Ring or Rehnuma.
Khan had previously sported a turban in Hey! Ram (2000).
A few fans of the actors posted pictures of Khan and Sharma shooting the Punjabi dance number during the week-long schedule. In one of the pictures, the two actors are seen caught in a romantic moment as a large number of back-up dancers surround them.
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Buzz has it that Khan is playing a Sikh character in the film. He looks dashing in the beard, black turban and the saffron Pathani suit.
Sharma had made her debut in the Khan-starrer Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008) where she played a Punjabi character. Khan had played a cameo in the Sharma-starrer Ae Dil Hai Mushkil (2016). However, he didn’t have any scenes with Sharma. The Ring/Rehnuma is their first film together since Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.
The film is expected to release during the Independence Day week, where it could be competing with Akshay Kumar’s Toilet – Ek Prem Katha.
EXCLUSIVE #ShahRukhKhan & #AnushkaSharma on the sets of #TheRing in #Punjab yesterday shooting
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