Being named the second most beautiful woman in the world is not enough for Priyanka Chopra. The actress is busy learning new skills as she goes around conquering the world. Inspired by her Quantico co-star, Yasmine Al Massri, Chopra has been learning to paint. The actress put up a picture on her Instagram page which proves that she has quite the hand at the arts.
Sunday shenanigans.. thank u @jazmasri @mdesante for the lesson!! #paintingisfunð¨
A post shared by Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) on
Having already established herself as a singer, producer, and of course, an actor, this new art form looks to be no difficult for the talented actress.
She becomes the third Indian actor to have taken up the brush, after Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha. Massri seems to be a productive influence on the Baywatch actress as well. The Quantico stars often hang out together, catching shows, and spending time together. Massri, who is a graduate of the famed École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, seems to have managed to coax Chopra into displaying her natural talent for the arts.
While the subject of her painting is still a mystery, there is no question that Chopra might excel in it. The actress has been doing a good job of proving her doubters wrong so far.
Chopra is awaiting the release of her Baywatch movie, alongside Zac Efron and Dwayne Johnson. Chopra plays the villainous Victoria Leeds in the movie version of the iconic television series. The film is scheduled for theatrical release on 26 May.